How to Improve Your Relationship

happy couple on a bike

Some would say that there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. But I believe that every relationship is perfect in its own way and if you follow our tips below, you might come damn near close to living your dream relationship. Voilà our tips on how to improve your relationship:

  1. Communicate more openly
    There’s nothing more important than open communication to make your relationship work. Take a quiet moment and talk to your partner. Kick your egos out the door, breathe, smile and ask him to tell you everything he’s got on his mind. Listen him out, without interrupting him, and then ask him to listen to your point of view. 
  2. Talk about your goals
    If you want your partner to support you throughout your whole life, he needs to know about your goals. Tell him what is most important for you in this life and ask him about his plans. Now you can fully support each other and make sure that as you grow old together, you reach one goal after the other.
  3. Surprise your partner and stay spontaneous
    There’s nothing better than being picked up from work with dinner plans or spontaneously deciding to the movies. Keep things fun, stay spontaneous.
  4. Agree to stop arguing
    There’s people who really seem to enjoy fighting. But for most of us it’s just exhausting and painful. So why bother? Make an agreement with your partner: Whenever something hurts him or you, you take your partner to the side and talk things out (see above: open communication). So instead of burying everything inside and letting it boil until you explode, tell your partner directly and in a polite manner how you feel.
  5. Volunteer together
    There’s nothing sexier than altruism. Go help out at your local shelter/soup kitchen. Or write a book together and donate 100% of the revenue. Be creative. Doing good will make you feel closer together than ever.
  6. Cuddle. Lots.
    Remember those days when you were just falling in love and couldn’t let go of each other? Well there’s no reason to change any of that now. Take the time. Cuddling is so important and healing.
  7. Get your adrenaline pumping together
    When was the last time you did something scary or exciting together? Go hit the nearest amusement park or plan a trip to the mountains. Go rock climbing or sign up for singing lessons with a final concert. It doesn’t have to be expensive: You might as well create a YouTube channel. Stay safe but move out of your comfort zone. It’ll make your relationship stronger than ever.


© 2018 Driamond

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